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otto 由譚思詠和黃美諺於2017年在香港創立。otto 是我倆名字的組合,也寓意一起閱讀、觀看和分享。



otto 同時是一本雙封面、雙故事的小誌。一期一主題,現出版至第七期。


otto was founded in 2017 by Tiffany Tam TT and Wong Mei Yin in Hong Kong.

otto aims at reading, observing and sharing together. We publish prints and independent zines.

otto is also a zine with two covers and two stories. One issue, one theme. The‭ ‬ latest issue‭ is otto‭ #‬7‭.

Readers can start reading it from the left cover or the right cover.

The introduction of the issue and stories are on the middle page of the zine.

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