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# 5

otto # 5  BLACK  |  2020 JAN  

今期題目為「黑」。 剛過去的半年,香港人經歷著前所未有的時代革命和人道災難。原定在2019年7月初出版的第4期也因此而 “壽終正寢”。新一年開始,時代革命尚未結束。我們藉著今期,回應過去半年的香港,希望終有一日大家可擁有免於恐懼的自由。《BLACK OBJECTS》由tiffanytam創作、《GOODNIGHT》由wongmeiyin 創作 。


This issue is ‘Black’. Hong Kong is making the revolution of times and Hongkongers are undergoing humanitarian crises over the past six months. In the meantime, otto #4, which would have published in July 2019, is “dead”. 2020, a new year started while the revolution is still carrying on. This issue is about what we experienced these months. BLACK OBJECTS by tiffanytam. GOODNIGHT by wongmeiyin.


( selected pages from otto #5 )

otto #5 | HKD $150
2C digital / 120x160mm / 36pp / saddled stitching

Available in 
艺鵠 ACO | 14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
亞洲藝術文獻庫 Asia Art Archive | 11/F Hollywood Centre, 233 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan

貳叄書房 jisaam.books | RM 1202, Grand Place, Nathan Road 558-560, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong
Kubrick | Shop H2, Cinema Block, Prosperous Garden, 3 Public square street, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong
ODD ONE OUT | 14 St Francis St, Wan Chai

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